Seminar information will be added regularly; please check back often.

All School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences seminars are free and open to the public. Unless otherwise noted, the seminars will be held at 4 p.m. in VBS 145 on East Campus and streamed on Zoom (details below).

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Meeting ID: 950 8017 5696
Passcode: 275544

Jan. 27Dr. Nicole Sexton
Assistant Professor, UNL School of Biological Sciences
Title: TBD
Host: Dr. Amy Desaulniers
Feb. 3Dr. Chad Brassil
Associate Professor, UNL School of Biological Sciences
Title: Introduction to UNL Course Demographic Suite 
Host: Dr. Amy Desaulniers
Feb. 10Dr. Huijing Du
Associate Professor, UNL Department of Mathematics
Hybrid and Stochastic Modeling for Complex Biological Systems
Host: Dr. Amy Desaulniers
Sept 30Taejoon Won
Assistant Professor of pathobiological sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Title: T cells targeting the heart
Host: Jay Reddy
Feb. 17Dr. Taylor Yaw
Director and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Animal Health, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium
Title: Zoological Medicine at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, A Comparative Journey
Host: Dr. Scott McVey
Feb. 24The Nguyen
MS Student, UNL School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Title: TBD
Host: Dr. Hiep Vu
March 3Danh Lai
MS Student, UNL School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Title: TBD
Host: Dr. Hiep Vu

No Seminar – Spring Break

March 24Akinbode Okunola
PhD Student, UNL Department of Agricultural Economics
Title: Are Countries Regulating Veterinary Drug Residues Important for Human Health?
Host: Dr. Matt Hille
March 31Dr. Réka Howard
Associate Professor, UNL Department of Statistics
Title: TBD
Host: Dr. Amy Desaulniers
April 7Dr. Trish Berger 
Distinguished Professor, Department of Animal Science, UC Davis
Title: TBD
Host: Dr. Amy Desaulniers
April 14Dr. Mary Drozd
Assistant Professor, UNL School of Veterinarian Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Title: TBD
April 21Dr. Glabman
Title: TBD
Host: Dr. Mary Drozd
April 28Dr. Prabagaran Narayanasamy
Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Title: TBD
Host: Dr. Raul Barletta