Research at SVMBS
The School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is strong in the area of infectious diseases and neurobiology. It is becoming increasingly clear that to control the spread of infectious diseases, we need a greater understanding of the interactions between pathogen and host:
- How does the host respond to pathogens?
- How do pathogens persist outside the host in the environment?
- How are pathogens transmitted to susceptible hosts?
We also have a strong program in neurobiology (neurobiology, neurovirology and neurotoxicology), where we look at the biology of circadian rhythms, the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders and infectious processes by which viruses affect the nervous system.
Our research extends from the molecular through the population level and addresses mechanisms of disease, population medicine and related topics in biomedical research.
In all aspects of our research, we emphasize collaborative efforts toward advancement of biomedical knowledge. We use our scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of the society at large through the protection of human and animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of livestock resources and the promotion of public health and a safe environment.
Below are the areas of study and the faculty who are conducting research in each area.
Research areas of study
Microbial organisms and the mechanisms by which they cause disease in animals and humans. Approaches include molecular biology, immunology, cell biology, genetics and biochemistry.
Bacterial infectious disease research involving pathogens of animals and humans. Approaches include molecular biology, immunology, cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. Research faculty include:
Raul Barletta
Email Dr. Barletta
Visit websiteJ. Dustin Loy
Email Dr. Loy
Visit profileDon Reynolds
Email Dr. Reynolds
Visit profileGreg Somerville
Email Dr. Somerville
Visit websites:Virology
Viral infectious disease research involving pathogens of animals and humans. Approaches include molecular biology, immunology, cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. Please see the Nebraska Center for Virology for more information. Research faculty include:
Gustavo Delhon
Email Dr. Delhon
Visit websiteJ. Dustin Loy
Email Dr. Loy
Visit profileAsit Pattnaik
Email Dr. Pattnaik
Visit websiteDon Reynolds
Email Dr. Reynolds
Visit profileChristina Topliff
Email Dr. Topliff
Visit profileMatt Wiebe
Email Dr. Wiebe
Visit websiteShi-hua Xiang
Email Dr. Xiang
Visit websiteYou Zhou
Email Dr. Zhou
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The role of the host in the disease process. Approaches include molecular biology, cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. Research faculty include:
NJ Reddy
Email Dr. Reddy
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Don Reynolds
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Reproductive Physiology
The goal of the reproductive physiology group is to elucidate the cellular, molecular, and physiological regulators of mammalian reproduction in order to advance the efficiency of livestock production and improve human health. Research faculty include:
Amy Desaulniers
Email Dr. Desaulniers
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Renee McFee
Email Dr. McFee
This is an interdisciplinary group that focuses on medicine in both animals and humans. Research areas include infectious and environmental diseases in animals and humans. Approaches include molecular biology, immunology, epidemiology, cell biology, genetics, neurovirology and biochemistry. Research faculty include:
Rodrigo Franco Cruz
Email Dr. Franco
Gary Pickard
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Patricia Sollars
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You Zhou
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Poultry Diseases
Research faculty include:
Don Reynolds
Email Dr. Reynolds
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The role of toxicants in disease processes. Research faculty include:
Rodrigo Franco Cruz
Email Dr. Franco
The biology of disease in humans and animals. This includes genetic, parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases. Research faculty include:
Seth Harris
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David Steffen
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Risk factors and population dynamics in animal health and value, taking into account environmental, spatial and ecological factors.
The study of parasitism centered on the ecology, epidemiology, diagnosis, control and treatment of parasites that inflict disease and economic loss on food-producing, companion, wild and exotic animals. The focus is on the ecology of arthropod vectors and vector-borne disease pathogens, specifically the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum, which established in Nebraska in the late 1980s. Also investigation of the use of botanicals and herbal approaches to parasite control in response to the increasing demands of organic food animal production, as well as the need for alternatives in the face of anthelmintic and insecticidal resistance. Research faculty include:
Roberto Cortiňas
Email Dr. Cortiňas
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Beef Cattle Research
Research faculty include:
Brian Vander Ley
Email Dr. Vander Ley
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Research facilities
The School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences provides modern facilities for teaching, research, diagnosis and extension.
The School's research faculty have offices in the Veterinary Basic Science building or in the adjacent Ken Morrison Life Sciences building, which is home to the Nebraska Center for Virology. Both buildings have state-of-the-art equipment and research laboratories. In addition, core facilities located throughout the University of Nebraska–Lincoln provide low-cost genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and microscopy.
The Veterinary Diagnostic Center provides laboratory services to Nebraska's livestock industry and serves as a resource for veterinary teaching and research. It offers necropsy, histopathology, virology, bacteriology, serology, toxicology and limited clinical pathology services.
The Life Sciences Annex offers strict bio-containment conditions for experimentation involving infectious agents and genetically engineered micro-organisms.
In addition, the School's Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center (GPVEC), located near Clay Center, NE at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, is dedicated to teaching and research in food animal clinical medicine. Veterinary and biomedical sciences faculty at GPVEC are actively involved in research and teaching professional and graduate students.