We offer:
- Quick answers: One to two business days, if no special stains are needed
- Inked and measured surgical margins
- Biopsy mailers provided upon request
- Consultation Monday through Friday
- Immunohistochemistry and histochemistry as needed per case
Sample preparation:
- Samples are measured and ink applied to surgical margins.
- Standard skin biopsies have a minimum of three sections: a cross section and both lateral margins.
- Additional sections reviewed of larger samples for better assessment of surgical margins.
Selected stains
Immunohistochemical | Histochemical |
Actin B cell (Pax-5), T cell (CD3) CD31 Cytokeratin Desmin Factor 8 GFAP Macrophage (lba-1) MelanA S-100 Synaptophysin Vimentin | Congo red Fite's acidfast Giemsa Gomori's methenamine silver Gram stain Mucicarmine Periodic acid-Schiff Prussian blue Rhodamine Toluidine blue Trichrome VonKossa Warthin-Starry silver stain |