Christina Topliff
Assoc Prof Practice School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Lincoln NE 68583-0907 - Phone
Dr. Topliff is an associate professor of practice in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. She was a practicing veterinarian before returning to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to complete her Ph.D. The focus of her research was bovine respiratory disease pathogenesis with emphasis on bovine viral diarrhea virus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Her primary efforts are currently directed at teaching undergraduate courses in the Veterinary Science curriculum and courses in the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Topliff is an associate professor of practice in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. She was a practicing veterinarian before returning to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to complete her Ph.D. The focus of her research was bovine respiratory disease pathogenesis with emphasis on bovine viral diarrhea virus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Her primary efforts are currently directed at teaching undergraduate courses in the Veterinary Science curriculum and courses in the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine.
Weise, J., Caven, A.J., Zarlenga, D.S., Topliff, C.L., Kelling, C.L., Salter, J. 2021. Gastrointestinal parasites of a reintroduced semi-wild Plains bison (Bison bison bison) herd: Examining effects of demographic variation, deworming treatments, and management strategy. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 14:216-227.
Alkheraif, A.A., Topliff, C.L., Reddy, J., Massilamany, C., Donis, R.O., Meyers, G., Eskridge, K.M., Kelling, C.L. 2017. Type 2 BVDV Npro suppresses IFN-1 pathway signaling in bovine cells and augments BRSV replication. Virology 507:123-134.
Duysen, E., Irvine, K., Yoder, A., Topliff, C., Kelling, C., Rajaram, S. 2017. Assessment of Tribal Bison Worker Hazards Using Trusted Research Facilitators. Journal of Agromedicine 22:337-346.
Topliff, C., Alkheraif, A.A., Kuszynski, C., Davis, W.C., Steffen, D.J., Schmitz, J.A., Eskridge, K., Charleston, B., Henningson, J.N., Kelling, C. 2017. Experimental acute infection of alpacas with BVDV 1b alters peripheral blood and GALT leukocyte subsets. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 29:186-192.
Vitosh-Sillman, S., Loy, J.D., Brodersen, B., Kelling, C., Doster, A., Topliff, C., Nelson, E., Bai, J., Schirtzinger, E., Poulsen, E., Meadors, B., Anderson, J., Hause, B., Anderson, G., Hesse, R. 2016. Experimental infection of conventional nursing pigs and their dams with porcine deltacoronavirus. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 15-0164(5), 486-497.
Rhodes, R.S., Snyder, A., Topliff, C., Kelling, C., Coon, S. 2020. Northeastern Montana range pastures maintaining distinct American bison herds yield different trace metal availability and intestinal parasite infections in the American Bison on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting, San Diego, CA, cancelled due to COVID-19. The FASEB Journal Volume 34, Issue S1 Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting Abstracts
Finocchiaro, L., Duysen, E., Rautianen, R., Topliff, C., Kelling, C. 2019. Tribal Bison Herd Workers-Determination of Hazards, Risks and Best Practices to Improve Health and Safety. International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health Conference, Des Moines, IA.
Rhodes, R.S., Stewart, M., Topliff, C.L., Kelling, C.L., Coon, S. 2019. Malabsorption of metals and intestinal parasite infections cause health problems and lower birth rates in the American Bison on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. Experimental Biology 2019 Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Finocchiaro, L., Rautianen, R., Topliff, C., Kelling, C. 2018. Establishing Best Practices to Improve the Health & Safety of Tribal Bison Workers. One Health Symposium, Ashland, NE.
Finocchiaro, L., Rautianen, R., Topliff, C., Kelling, C. 2018. Establishing Best Practices to Improve the Health & Safety of Tribal Bison Workers. Midwest Rural Agricultural and Health Conference, Council Bluffs, IA.
Alkheraif, A., Topliff, C., Reddy, N.R.J., Kelling, C. 2016. IFN-1 pathway signaling in bovine cells concurrently infected with BVDV and BRSV. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases, Chicago, IL.
Alkheraif, A., Topliff, C., Reddy, N.R.J., Kelling, C. 2016. Mutant BVDV with modified Npro induces type I interferon production via RLR-dependent pathways (including: MAVS, TBK-1, IRF-3 and IRF-7). Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Lincoln, NE.
- Barletta, R. (Principal Investigator), Steffen, D. (Investigator), Topliff, C. (Investigator), IC-3260, Grant, "NE1201 Mycobacterial Diseases of Animals: Development and Testing of a Safe and Effective One-health DIVA Vaccine against Bovine Tuberculosis and Johnes Disease", Internal, $330,553.00, Awarded. (start: October 1, 2017, end: September 30, 2022).
- Topliff, C. (Investigator), Kelling, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), Rautiainen, R. (Principal Investigator), Grant, "Enhancing the Health and Safety of Range Bison Herd Workers", Awarded. (start: September 2016, end: August 2021).