Jay Reddy
Professor School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
VBS 202
Lincoln NE 68583-0905 - Phone
The long-term research goal is to determine the immune mechanisms of inflammatory and dilated cardiomyopathies and contribute to their prevention and the development of relevant therapies.
As identified and described by the CliftonStrengths StrengthFinder tool, Dr. Reddy's top strengths are:
1. Activator
“When can we start?” This is a recurring question in your life. You are impatient for action. You may concede that analysis has its uses or that debate and discussion can occasionally yield some valuable insights, but deep down you know that only action is real. Only action can make things happen. Only action leads to performance. Once a decision is made, you cannot not act. Others may worry that “there are still some things we don’t know,” but this doesn’t seem to slow you. If the decision has been made to go across town, you know that the fastest way to get there is to go stoplight to stoplight. You are not going to sit around waiting until all the lights have turned green. Besides, in your view, action and thinking are not opposites. In fact, guided by your Activator theme, you believe that action is the best device for learning. You make a decision, you take action, you look at the result, and you learn. This learning informs your next action and your next. How can you grow if you have nothing to react to? Well, you believe you can’t. You must put yourself out there. You must take the next step. It is the only way to keep your thinking fresh and informed. The bottom line is this: You know you will be judged not by what you say, not by what you think, but by what you get done. This does not frighten you. It pleases you.
2. Connectedness
Things happen for a reason. You are sure of it. You are sure of it because in your soul you know that we are all connected. Yes, we are individuals, responsible for our own judgments and in possession of our own free will, but nonetheless we are part of something larger. Some may call it the collective unconscious. Others may label it spirit or life force. But whatever your word of choice, you gain confidence from knowing that we are not isolated from one another or from the earth and the life on it. This feeling of Connectedness implies certain responsibilities. If we are all part of a larger picture, then we must not harm others because we will be harming ourselves. We must not exploit because we will be exploiting ourselves. Your awareness of these responsibilities creates your value system. You are considerate, caring, and accepting. Certain of the unity of humankind, you are a bridge builder for people of different cultures. Sensitive to the invisible hand, you can give others comfort that there is a purpose beyond our humdrum lives. The exact articles of your faith will depend on your upbringing and your culture, but your faith is strong. It sustains you and your close friends in the face of life’s mysteries.
3. Strategic
The Strategic theme enables you to sort through the clutter and find the best route. It is not a skill that can be taught. It is a distinct way of thinking, a special perspective on the world at large. This perspective allows you to see patterns where others simply see complexity. Mindful of these patterns, you play out alternative scenarios, always asking, “What if this happened? Okay, well what if this happened?” This recurring question helps you see around the next corner. There you can evaluate accurately the potential obstacles. Guided by where you see each path leading, you start to make selections. You discard the paths that lead nowhere. You discard the paths that lead straight into resistance. You discard the paths that lead into a fog of confusion. You cull and make selections until you arrive at the chosen path—your strategy. Armed with your strategy, you strike forward. This is your Strategic theme at work: “What if?” Select. Strike.
4. Learner
You love to learn. The subject matter that interests you most will be determined by your other themes and experiences, but whatever the subject, you will always be drawn to the process of learning. The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you. You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence. The thrill of the first few facts, the early efforts to recite or practice what you have learned, the growing confidence of a skill mastered—this is the process that entices you. Your excitement leads you to engage in adult learning experiences—yoga or piano lessons or graduate classes. It enables you to thrive in dynamic work environments where you are asked to take on short project assignments and are expected to learn a lot about the new subject matter in a short period of time and then move on to the next one. This Learner theme does not necessarily mean that you seek to become the subject matter expert, or that you are striving for the respect that accompanies a professional or academic credential. The outcome of the learning is less significant than the “getting there.”
5. Achiever
Your Achiever theme helps explain your drive. Achiever describes a constant need for achievement. You feel as if every day starts at zero. By the end of the day you must achieve something tangible in order to feel good about yourself. And by “every day” you mean every single day—workdays, weekends, vacations. No matter how much you may feel you deserve a day of rest, if the day passes without some form of achievement, no matter how small, you will feel dissatisfied. You have an internal fire burning inside you. It pushes you to do more, to achieve more. After each accomplishment is reached, the fire dwindles for a moment, but very soon it rekindles itself, forcing you toward the next accomplishment. Your relentless need for achievement might not be logical. It might not even be focused. But it will always be with you. As an Achiever you must learn to live with this whisper of discontent. It does have its benefits. It brings you the energy you need to work long hours without burning out. It is the jolt you can always count on to get you started on new tasks, new challenges. It is the power supply that causes you to set the pace and define the levels of productivity for your work group. It is the theme that keeps you moving.
- Ph.D. in Porcine Immunology, Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1998
- Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc) in Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India, 1990
- Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences (BVSc), University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India, 1985
- 1998-2000: Department of Molecular Immunology, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
- 2000-2003: Center for Neurologic Diseases, Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Professional Responsibilities and Activities
- Teaching
2008-present: Veterinary Immunology (VMED 680; 2 credits)
Course director
2011-present: Topics in Immunology (VBMS 910; 3 credits)
Course director
- Committees and Reviewing Activities
2020-present - Expert Committee, The Immune Epitope Database, and Analysis Resource, La Jolla Institute for Immunology, La Jolla, CA
2020-present - Elected member, Academic Standards Committee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
2020-present - Invited member, MRI Advisory Committee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2014-present - Peer review panel member, American Heart Association and NIH (ad hoc) study sections [AICS, ZRG1 VH-N (90), ZDK1 GRB-S (02), ZRG1 F07-S (20), ZRG1 IMM-S (81), ZGR1 BDCN-Q (02), CNBT, ZRG1 BDCN-Q (90), ZRG1 CNBT-W (07), ZAI1 TC-1 (J1), ZRG1 IMM-U (81), ZDK1 GRB-S (M3), HTBT, and GRG1 VH-D (02)
2011 - Grant reviewer, North Carolina Biotechnology Centre, NC
2011 - Grant reviewer, National Science Center, Poland
2011 - Grant reviewer, The Ohio State University, OH
2014-present - Academic editor, PLOS ONE, BMC Immunology, and MDPI
1996-present - Ad hoc reviewer for BioTechniques, European Journal of Immunology, Clinical Immunology, Current Drug Discovery Technologies, Journal of Neuroimmunology, Cardiology, Vaccine, PLOS ONE, PNAS, Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, and Journal of Clinical Investigation
Additional publication information:
- Massilamany C, Steffen D, and Reddy J. An epitope from Acanthamoeba castellanii that cross-react with proteolipid protein 139-151-reactive T cells induces autoimmune encephalomyelitis in SJL mice. 2010. J. Neuroimmunol. 219: 17-24. PMID: 20005578.
- Thulasingam S, Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Dai H, Yarbaeva S, Subramaniam S, Riethoven JJ, Eudy J, Lou M, and Reddy J. miR-27b*, an oxidative stress-responsive microRNA modulates nuclear factor-kB pathway in RAW 264.7 cells. 2011. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 352(1-2):181-8. PMID: 21350856.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Gardner D, Musser J, Steffen D, Somerville G, and Reddy J. TCA cycle inactivation in Staphylococcus aureus alters nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 cells. 2011. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 355(1-2):75-82. PMID: 21519920.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Chapman N, Rose N, and Reddy J. Detection of cardiac myosin heavy chain-α-specific CD4 cells by using MHC class II/IAk tetramers in A/J mice. 2011. J. Immunol. Methods. 372: 107-118. PMID: 21782819.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Identification of novel mimicry epitopes for cardiac myosin heavy chain-α that induce autoimmune myocarditis in A/J mice. 2011. Cell Immunol. 271(2):438-49. PMID: 21939961.
- Massilamany C, Thulasingam S, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Gender differences in CNS autoimmunity induced by mimicry epitope for PLP 139-151 in SJL mice. 2011. J. Neuroimmunol. 230: 95-104. PMID: 20950867.
- Massilamany C, Upadhyaya B, Gangaplara A, Kuszynski C, and Reddy J. Detection of autoreactive CD4 T cells using major histocompatibility complex class II dextramers. 2011. BMC Immunol. 12:40. PMID: 21767394. (highlighted as a featured and a highly accessed article).
- Massilamany C, Asojo O, Gangaplara A, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Identification of a second mimicry epitope from Acanthamoeba castellanii that induce CNS autoimmunity by generating cross-reactive T cells for MBP 89-101 in SJL mice. 2011. Int. Immunol. 23 (12):729-39 (highlighted as the Editor's Choice featured article of December issue). PMID: 22058327.
- Massilamany, C., and Reddy, J., 2011. Autoimmunity in the Mediation of Granulomatous Amoebic Encephalitis: Implications for Therapy, p. 307-328. In S. Tkachev (ed.), Non-Flavivirus Encephalitis. InTech, Croatia.
- Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Brown, DM, Delhon G, Pattnaik A, Chapman N, Rose N, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Coxsackievirus B3 infection leads to the generation of cardiac myosin heavy chain-alpha-reactive CD4 T cells in A/J mice. 2012. Clin. Immunol. 144: 237-249. PMID: 22854287.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Kim H, Stanford C, Rathnaiah G, Steffen D, Lee J, Reddy J. Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase-deficient mice show increased susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induced with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55. 2013. J. Neuroimmunol. Mar 15;256 (1-2):19-27. PMID: 23294897.
- Gebregiworgis T, Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Thulasingam S, Kolli V, Werth MT, Dodds ED, Steffen D, Reddy J, Powers R. Potential of urinary metabolites for diagnosing multiple sclerosis. 2013. ACS Chem. Biol. Apr 19;8(4):684-90. PMID: 23369377.
- Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Steffen D, Reddy J. Mimicry epitope from Ehrlichia canis for interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein 201-216 prevents autoimmune by acting as altered peptide ligand. 2013. J. Neuroimmunol. Oct 15;263(1-2):98-107. PMID: 24029580.
- Reddy J, Massilamany C, Buskiewicz I, Huber SA. Autoimmunity in viral myocarditis. 2013. Curr Opin Rheumatol. Jul;25(4):502-8. PMID: 23656709.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Jia T, Elowsky C, Kang G, Riethoven JJ, Li Q, Zhou Y, Reddy J. Direct staining with major histocompatibility complex class II dextramers permits detection of antigen-specific, autoreactive CD4 T cells in situ. 2014. PLoS One. Jan 27;9(1). PMID: 24475302.
- Massilamany C, Marciano-Cabral F, Rocha-Azevedo Bd, Jamerson M, Gangaplara A, Steffen D, Zabad R, Illes Z, Sobel RA, Reddy J. SJL Mice Infected with Acanthamoeba castellanii Develop Central Nervous System Autoimmunity through the Generation of Cross-Reactive T Cells for Myelin Antigens. 2014. PLoS One. May 30;9(5). PMID: 24879066.
- Massilamany C., Khalilzad V, Gangaplara A., Steffen D., Othman S.F., Reddy, J. Non-invasive assessment of cardiac abnormalities in experimental autoimmune myocarditis by magnetic resonance microscopy imaging in the mouse, 2014. J. Vis. Exp. Jun 20;(88). PMID: 24998332.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Jia T, Elowsky C, Li Q, Zhou Y, and Reddy J. In situ detection of autoreactive CD4 1 T cells in the brain and heart using major histocompatibility complex class II dextramers. 2014. J Vis Exp. Aug 1;(90). doi: 10.3791/51679. PMID: 25145797.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, and Reddy J. Intricacies of cardiac damage in coxsackievirus B3 infection: Implications for therapy. 2014 Dec 15;177(2):330-9. PMID: 25449464
- Massilamany C, Huber SA, Cunningham MW, Reddy J. Relevance of molecular mimicry in the mediation of infectious myocarditis. 2014. J. Cardiovasc. Transl. Res. Mar;7(2):165-71. PMID: 24263348.
- Massilamany, C†., Gangaplara, A†., Basavalingappa, R. H., Rajasekaran, R. A., Vu, H., Riethoven, J. J., Steffen, D., Pattnaik, A.K., and Reddy, J. 2015. Mutations in the 5' NTR and the Non-Structural Protein 3A of the Coxsackievirus B3 Selectively Attenuate Myocarditogenicity. PloS one 10: e0131052. (†equal contributors) (PMID: 26098885)
- Massilamany, C†., Gangaplara, A†., and Reddy, J. 2015. Environmental microbes and uveitis: is microbial exposure always bad? Scandinavian journal of immunology 81: 469-475. (†equal contributors) (PMID: 25833717)
- Krishnan, B., Massilamany, C., Basavalingappa, R. H., Rajasekaran, R. A., Kuszynski, C., Switzer, B., Peterson, D. A., and Reddy, J. 2015. Versatility of using major histocompatibility complex class II dextramers for derivation and characterization of antigen-specific, autoreactive T cell hybridomas. Journal of immunological methods. (PMID: 26268454)
- Jia T, Anandhan A, Massilamany C, Rajasekaran RA, Franco R, Reddy J. 2015. Association of Autophagy in the Cell Death Mediated by Dihydrotestosterone in Autoreactive T Cells Independent of Antigenic Stimulation. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. (PMID: 26416183)
- Massilamany, C., Krishnan, B., Reddy, J., 2015. Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Dextramers: New Tools for the Detection of antigen-Specific, CD4 T Cells in Basic and Clinical Research. Scandinavian journal of immunology. (PMID: 26207337)
- Gebregiworgis T, Nielsen HH, Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Reddy J, Illes Z, Powers R. 2016. A Urinary Metabolic Signature for Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica. J Proteome Res. (PMID: 26759122)
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Basavalingappa RH, Rajasekaran RA, Khalilzad-Sharghi V, Han Z, Othman S, Steffen D, Reddy J. 2016. Localization of CD8 T cell epitope within cardiac myosin heavy chain-α334-352 that induces autoimmune myocarditis in A/J mice. Int J Cardiol. (PMID: 26422020)
- Massilamany C, Mohammed A, Loy JD, Purvis T, Krishnan B, Basavalingappa RH, Kelley CM, Guda C, Barletta RG, Moriyama EN, Smith TP, Reddy J. 2016. Whole genomic sequence analysis of Bacillus infantis: defining the genetic blueprint of strain NRRL B-14911, an emerging cardiopathogenic microbe. BMC Genomics. (PMID: 27557119)
- Basavalingappa RH, Massilamany C, Krishnan B, Gangaplara A, Kang G, Khalizad V, Han Z, Othman S, Li Q, Riethoven JJ, Sobel RA, Steffen D and Reddy J. 2016. Identification of an epitope from adenine nucleotide translocator 1 that induces inflammation in heart in A/J mice. American Journal of Pathology. 186(12):3160-3175. (PMID: 27876151)
- Massilamany C, Koenig A, Reddy J, Huber S, Buskiewicz I. 2016. Autoimmunity in picornavirus infections. Curr Opin Virol. (PMID: 26554915).
- Alkheraif AA, Topliff CL, Reddy J., Massilamany C, Donis RO, Meyers G, Eskridge KM, Kelling CL. 2017. Type 2 BVDV N(pro) suppresses IFN-1 pathway signaling in bovine cells and augments BRSV replication. Virology. Jul; 507:123-134. (PMID: 28432927)
- Krishnan B, Massilamany C, Basavalingappa RH, Gangaplara A, Kang G, Li Q, Uzal FA, Strande JL, Delhon GA, Riethoven JJ, Steffen D, Reddy J. 2017. Branched chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase 111-130, a T cell epitope that induces both autoimmune myocarditis and hepatitis in A/J mice. Immun Inflamm Dis. Dec;5(4):421-434. (PMID: 28597552)
- Basavalingappa, RH., Massilamany, C., Krishnan, B., Gangaplara, A., Afzal, ZM., Strande, JL., Steffen, D., and Reddy, J. 2017. β1-Adrenergic Receptor Contains Multiple IAk and IEk Binding Epitopes that Induce T Cell Responses with Varying Degrees of Autoimmune Myocarditis in A/J Mice. Frontiers in Immunology. (PMID: 29209317)
- Massilamany, i., Renu, N., A.Kumar, Madayiputhiya, a., Sanjit, P., Ey, Guda, C., Reddy, J., 2017. Gender Differences in the Expression of Proteins in Autoreactive T-cells Specificto Central Nervous System Myelin Proteolipid Protein. J Autoimmune disorders. (No PMID)
- Krishnan, B., Massilamany, C., Basavalingappa, RH., Gangaplara, A., Afzal, ZM., Khalilzad-Sharghi, V., Zhou, Y., Nandi, S., Mishra, PK., Sobel, RA., Strande, JL., Riethoven, JJ., Steffen, D., and Reddy, J.. 2018. Epitope Mapping of SERCA2a Identifies an Antigenic Determinant that Induces Mainly Atrial Myocarditis in A/J mice. Journal of immunology (PMID: 29229678)
- Raverdeau, M., Christofi, M., Malara, A., Wilk, M.M., Misiak, A., Kuffova, L., Yu, T., McGinley, A.M., Quinn, S.M., Massilamany, C., Reddy, J., Forrester, J.V., Mills, K.H., 2019. Retinoic acid-induced autoantigen-specific type 1 regulatory T cells suppress autoimmunity. EMBO reports. (PMID: 30894405)
- Arumugam, R., Yalaka, B., Massilamany, C., Haider Ali, M.S.S., Lasrado, N., Jayaraja, S., Riethoven, J.J., Sun, X., Reddy, J., 2019. An evidence for surface expression of an immunogenic epitope of sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase2a on antigen-presenting cells from naive mice in the mediation of autoimmune myocarditis. Immunobiology. (PMID: 31870642)
- Sarmirova, S., Borsanyiova, M., Benkoova, B., Pospisilova, M., Arumugam, R., Berakova, K., Gomolcak, P., Reddy, J., Bopegamage, S., 2019. Pancreas of coxsackievirus-infected dams and their challenged pups: A complex issue. Virulence. (PMID: 30829107)
- Lasrado, N., Gangaplara, A., Arumugam, R., Massilamany, C., Pokal, S., Zhou, Y., Xiang, S.H., Steffen, D., Reddy, J., 2020. Identification of Immunogenic Epitopes That Permit the Detection of Antigen-Specific T Cell Responses in Multiple Serotypes of Group B Coxsackievirus Infections. Viruses. (PMID: 32245257)
- Lasrado, N., Yalaka, B., Reddy, J., 2020. Triggers of Inflammatory Heart Disease. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. (PMID: 32266270)
- Basavalingappa, R.H*., Arumugam, R*., Lasrado, N*., Yalaka, B., Massilamany, C., Gangaplara, A., Riethoven, J.J., Xiang, S.H., Steffen, D., Reddy, J., 2020. Viral myocarditis involves the generation of autoreactive T cells with multiple antigen specificities that localize in lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs in the mouse model of CVB3 infection. Mol Immunol. (PMID: 32615275) *equal contributors
- Gangaplara, A., Massilamany, C*., Lasrado, N*., Steffen, D., Reddy, J., 2020. Evidence for Anti-Viral Effects of Complete Freund's Adjuvant in the Mouse Model of Enterovirus Infection. Vaccines. (PMID: 32645845) *equal contributors
- Lasrado, N., Reddy, J., 2020. An overview of the immune mechanisms of viral myocarditis. Rev Med Virol. (PMID: 32720461)
- Lasrado, N., Jia, T., Massilamany, C., Franco, R., Illes, Z., Reddy, J., 2020. Mechanisms of sex hormones in autoimmunity: focus on EAE. Biol Sex Differ. (PMID: 32894183)
- Lasrado, N., Gangaplara, A., Massilamany, C., Arumugam, R., Shelbourn, A., Rasquinha, M.T., Basavalingappa, R.H., Delhon, G., Xiang, S.H., Pattnaik, A.K., Steffen, D., Reddy, J., 2021. Attenuated strain of CVB3 with a mutation in the CAR-interacting region protects against both myocarditis and pancreatitis. Sci Rep. (PMID: 34127684)
- Rasquinha, M*., Sur, M*., Lasrado, N*., Reddy, J., 2021. IL-10 as a Th2 Cytokine: Differences Between Mice and Humans. J Immunol. (PMID: 34663593) *equal contributors
- Lasrado, N., Arumugam, R., Rasquinha, M.T., Sur, M., Steffen, D., Reddy, J., 2021. Mt10-CVB3 Vaccine Virus Protects against CVB4 Infection by Inducing Cross-Reactive, Antigen-Specific Immune Responses. Microorganisms. (PMID: 34835449)
- Lasrado, N., Borcherding, N., Arumugam, R., Starr, T.K., Reddy, J., 2022. Dissecting the Cellular Landscape and Transcriptome Network in Viral Myocarditis by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing. iScience. (PMID: 35243228)
- Rasquinha, M. T., Lasrado, N., Petro-Turnquist, E., Weaver, E., Venkataraman, T., Anderson, D., Laserson, U., Larman, H. B., Reddy, J., 2022. PhIP-Seq Reveals Autoantibodies for Ubiquitously Expressed Antigens in Viral Myocarditis. Biology. (PMCID: PMC9312229)
- Won, Taejoon and Kalinoski, Hannah M. and Wood, Megan K. and Hughes, David M. and Jaime, Camille M. and Talor, Monica and Lasrado, Ninaad and Reddy, Jay and Cihakova, Daniela, Cardiac Myosin-Specific Autoimmune T Cells Contribute to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Associated Myocarditis. 2022. Cell Reports. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4065075 (accepted)
Professional Society Memberships
- American Association of Immunologists
- American Heart Association
- Massilamany C, Thulasingam S, Steffen D, and Reddy J. An epitope from Acanthamoeba castellanii induces clinical signs of autoimmune encephalomyelitis in SJL mice by molecular mimicry. 97th Annual meeting of The American Association of Immunologists (AAI), Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2010.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Chapman N, Rose N, and Reddy J. Detection of cardiac myosin-specific CD4 T cells by using MHC II / IAk tetramers in A/J mice. 97th Annual meeting of the AAI, Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2010.
- Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Waldner H, and Reddy J. Role of reactive oxygen species in gender-associated autoimmunity. 97th Annual meeting of the AAI, Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2010.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Identification of novel microbial mimics for cardiac myosin heavy chain-α 334-352 that induce autoimmune myocarditis in A/J mice. 14th International Congress of Immunology, Kobe, Japan. August 22-27, 2010.
- Massilamany C, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Identification of a second mimicry epitope from Acanthamoeba castellanii that induces CNS autoimmunity through the generation of cross-reactive T cells for myelin basic protein 89-101. 98th Annual meeting the AAI, San Francisco, CA, May 13-17, 2011 (oral presentation)
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Gardner DJ, Steffen D, Somerville G, and Reddy J. TCA cycle inactivation in Staphylococcus aureus alters nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 cells. 98th Annual meeting of the AAI, San Francisco, CA, May 13-17, 2011.
- Upadhyaya BP, Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, and Reddy J. MHC Dextramers enhance the detection sensitivity of antigen-specific autoreactive CD4 cells. 98th Annual meeting of the AAI, San Francisco, CA, May 13-17, 2011.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Upadhyaya BP, Jamerson M, Cabral FM, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Acanthamoeba castellanii induces the generation of proteolipid protein 139-151-reactive T cells and predispose to CNS autoimmunity in SJL mice. Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS) 2011, Washington DC, June 23-26, 2011.
- Thulasingam S†, Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Yarbaeva S, Subramaniam S, Riethoven JJ, Eudy J, Lou M and Reddy J. miR-27b*, an oxidative stress-responsive microRNA modulates nuclear factor-kB pathway in RAW 264.7 cells. FOCIS 2011, Washington DC, June 23-26, 2011. (scored in top 10% of poster presentations).
- Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Coxsackievirus B3 infection leads to the generation of cardiac myosin heavy chain-α-reactive T cells in A/J mice. FOCIS 2011, Washington DC, June 23-26, 2011.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Rathnaiah, G, Steffen D, Lee J, and Reddy J. Copper zinc superoxide dismutase 1-deficient mice show increased susceptibility to MOG 35-55-induced EAE. 99th Annual meeting of The American Association of Immunologists, Boston, MA, May 4-8, 2012.
- Annual Retreat of the Redox Biology Center, Nebraska City, NE, April 13 - 15, 2012 (oral presentation). Summer course: Redox Regulation, Oxidative Stress and Selenoproteins. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. June 11-15, 2012.
- Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Madayiputhiya N, Nandakumar R, Kuszynski C, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Mimicry epitope from Ehrlichia canis for interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein ameliorates autoimmune uveoretinitis by acting as altered peptide ligand in A/J mice. 99th Annual meeting of the AAI, Boston, MA, May 4-8, 2012.
- Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Kuzynski C, Nandakumar R, Madayiputhiya N, Steffen D, and Reddy J. Gender-biased differences in the expression of proteins in proteolipid protein 139-151-specific CD4 T cells derived from autoimmune-prone, SJL mice. FOCIS 2012, Vancouver, Canada, June 20-23, 2012.
- Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Pattnaik A, Steffen D, Reddy, J. Determination of the generation and functionalities of coxsackievirus B3-specific T cells using MHC class II tetramers in the murine model of viral myocarditis. FOCIS 2012, Vancouver, Canada, June 20-23, 2012.
- Massilamany C.*, Khalilzad V.*, Gangaplara A., Steffen D., Othman S.F.¥, and Reddy J.¥ Magnetic resonance microscopic imaging of hearts reveals structural and functional defects in autoimmune myocarditic mice. Annual meeting of Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases, Chicago, IL, December 2-4, 2012. (*equal contributors; ¥corresponding authors)
- Massilamany C., Jia T., Kang G., Zhou Y., Li Q and Reddy J. In situ detection of autoreactive CD4 T cells in the mouse models of autoimmune diseases. 100th Annual meeting of The AAI, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 3-7, 2013
- Massilamany C., Jamerson M., Madayiputhiya N., Nandakumar R., Cabral FM., Sejbaek TM., Illes Z and Reddy J. An evidence for a potential linkage between Acanthamoeba infections and multiple sclerosis. 100th Annual meeting of The AAI, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 3-7, 2013.
- Gangaplara A., Massilamany C., Steffen D., Huber S and Reddy J. Cardiac myosin heavy chain-α 334-352 is immunogenic in C57Bl/6 mice but fails to induce autoimmune myocarditis. FOICS 2013 meeting, Boston, MA, June 27-30, 2013
- Gangaplara A., Massilamany C., Steffen D., Pattnaik A., Huber S and Reddy J. An evidence for the pathogenic role for virus-specific T cells in the mouse model of coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis. 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013
- Gebregiworgis T†., Massilamany C†., Gangaplara A†., Nielssen H., Werth M., Steffen D., Zabad R., Illes Z., Powers R and Reddy J. NMR metabolomics: a diagnostic tool for Multiple Sclerosis. 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013 (†equal contributors).
- Massilamany C., Khalilzad V., Gangaplara A., Steffen D., Othman S.F., Huber, S.A. and Reddy J. Delineating autoimmunity in infectious myocarditis. The Myocarditis Foundation grant recipient workshop in conjunction with the Heart Failure Society of America's Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, Sept 21-22, 2013 (Invited oral presentation)
- Krishnan C, Massilamany C, Smith T, Loy JD, Barletta R, Reddy J. Bacillus infantis NRRL B-14911-induced myocarditis: a novel disease model to study the autoimmune mechanisms of myocardial injuries in the myocarditis-susceptible, A/J mice. 101th Annual meeting of the AAI, Pittsburg, PA, May 2-6, 2014.
- Massilamany C, Steffen D, Reddy J. Delineating the role of cardiac myosin-specific CD8 T cells in autoimmune myocarditis. 101th Annual meeting of the AAI, Pittsburg, PA, May 2-6, 2014.
- Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Steffen D, Reddy J. Gender differences in the development of autoimmune myocarditis induced with cardiac myosin heavy chain-alpha, 334-352 in C57Bl/6 mice. 101th Annual meeting of the AAI, Pittsburg, PA, May 2-6, 2014.
- Jia T, Massilamany C, and Reddy J. Delineating the mechanisms of immunomodulatory effects of sex steroids in autoreactive T cells. 101th Annual meeting of the AAI, Pittsburg, PA, May 2-6, 2014.
- Krishnan B, Massilamany C, Peterson D, Reddy J. Quick and efficient method of deriving antigen-specific, T cell hybridomas and their phenotypic characterization using major histocompatibility complex class II dextramers. Annual meeting of the FOCIS, Chicago, IL, June 25-28, 2014.
- Helle H. Nielsen, Lars P. Kristensen, Hans C. Beck, Reddy J, Illes Z. The proteome profile of the urine is different in patients with neuromyelitis optica compared to multiple sclerosis and healthy subjects. ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS (joint meeting), September 10-13, 2014.
- Massilamany C, Krishnan B, Rajsekaran AR, Gangaplara A, Elowsky C, Zhou Y, Kuszynski C, and Reddy J. Versatility of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Dextramers for Detection, and Functional Characterization of Antigen-Specific, Autoreactive CD4 T Cells in the Mouse Models of Autoimmune Diseases. Cytokines Down Under: From Bench to Beyond, Annual meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society, 26 - 29 October 2014, Melbourne, Australia. 2014
- Massilamany C, Krishnan B, Smith TP, Moriyama E, Barletta, RG, Loy JD and Reddy J. Role of Bacillus infantis NRRL B-14911 in the mediation of autoimmune myocarditis. Cytokines Down Under: From Bench to Beyond, Annual meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society, 26 - 29 October 2014, Melbourne, Australia. 2014.
- Basavalingappa RH, Massilamany C, Rajasekaran RA, Steffen, D, and Reddy J. Identification of immunogenic epitopes of β-adrenergic receptor 1 that induce heart autoimmunity in A/J mice. 102nd Annual meeting of The American Association of Immunologists, New Orleans, LA, May 8-12, 2015.
- Massilamany C, Rajasekaran RA, Basavalingappa RH, Steffen D, and Reddy, J. Viral Myocarditis Induced with Coxsackievirus B3 Involves the Mediation of Mono Antigen-Specific Autoreactive CD4 and CD8 T Cell Responses. Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies 2015 meeting, San Diego, CA, June 24-27, 2015.
- Jia T, Anandan A, Massilamany C, Rajasekaran RA, Cruz R-F, and Reddy J. Evidence for autophagy as a possible mechanism that contributes to the antiproliferative effects of testosterone in the autoreactive T cells. Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies 2015 meeting, San Diego, CA, June 24-27, 2015.
- Gebregiworgis, T., Massilamany C, Gangaplara A, Steffen D, Nielsen H, Illes Z, and Reddy J, and R. Powers. Urine metabolomics: a potential approach to diagnose and monitor Multiple Sclerosis. 56th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, United States, Apr 18-24, 2015.
- Massilamany, C., Mohammed, A., Loy, J. D. , Purvis, T., Krishnan, B., Basavalingappa, R.H., Kelly, C., Guda, C., Barletta, R. G., Moriyama, E., Smith, T., and Reddy, J. Whole genomic sequence analysis of Bacillus infantis: defining the genetic blueprint of strain NRRL B-14911, an emerging cardiopathogenic microbe. BMC Genomics. International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, November 13-15, 2015 (invited oral presentation).
- Basavalingappa RH, Massilamany C, Rajasekaran R, Steffen D and Reddy J. Identification of immunogenic epitopes of β-adrenergic receptor 1 that induce heart autoimmunity in A/J mice. 102nd Annual meeting of American Association of Immunologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 8-12, 2015.
- Massilamany, C., Gangaplara, A., Basavalingappa, R., Rajasekaran, R., Steffen, D., Pattnaik, A., Reddy, J. 103rd Annual meeting of The American Association of Immunologist, Seattle, WA, "Mutation in the 5'NTR and non-structural protein 3A of the coxsackievirus B3 selectively attenuate myocarditogenicity", May 13, 2016.
- Basavalingappa, R., Massilamany, C., Krishnan, B., Gangaplara, A., Kang, G., Khalizar, V., Han, Z., Othman, S., Li, Q., Riethoven, J., Sobel, R., Steffen, D., Reddy, J. 97th conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases Meeting & Seventh U.S BVDV Symphosium, Chicago IL, "Identification of an Epitope from Adenine Nucleotide Translocator 1 That Induces Inflammation in Heart in A/J Mice", December 6, 2016.
- Krishnan, B., Massilamany, C., Basavalingappa, R., Gangaplara, A., Kang, G., Li, Q., Uzal, F., Strande, J., Delhon, G., Riethoven, J., Steffen, D., Reddy, J. 97th conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases Meeting & Seventh U.S BVDV Symphosium, Chicago, IL, "Identification of branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase as a target autoantigen in the induction of cardiac autoimmunity through the generation of autoreactive T cell A/J mice", December 6, 2016.
- Basavalingappa R, Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Krishnan B, Jia T, Steffen D and Reddy J. Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies. Chicago. Coxsackievirus B3 viral protein1 possesses multiple immunodominant epitopes that induce differential antigen specific, CD4 and CD8 T cell responses in A/J mice. June 14-17, 2017.
- Rajasekaran, R. A., Krishnan B., Massilamany C., Steffen D and Reddy J. Role of SERCA2a-reactive T cells in viral myocarditis. 2018 Annual NCV Flyswat Meeting, Nebraska city, NE, March 18-19, 2018.
- Sarmirova S, Borsanyiova M, Benkoova B, Rajasekaran RA, Gomolcak P, Berakova K, Reddy J and Bopegamage S. Severe affliction of the pancreatic tissue of CVB4 E2 orally infected gravid dams and their challenged pups. 20th meeting of European Study Group on the Molecular Biology of Picornaviruses EUROPIC 2018. The Netherlands, June 3-7, 2018.
- Lasrado N, Arumugam R, Massilamany C, Krishnan B, and Reddy J. MHC Dextramers:versatile tools for assessing antigen-specific T cell responses. 17th International Congress of Immunology - IUIS 2019. Beijing, October 19-23, 2019.
- Lasrado N, Gangaplara A, Arumugam R, Massilamany C, Steffen D and Reddy J. Identification of immunogenic epitopes that permit the detection of antigen-specific T cell responses in multiple serotypes of group B Coxsackievirus infections. CRWAD annual meeting, Chicago, IL, November 3-5, 2019.
- Arumugam R, Yalaka B, Massilamany C, Lasrado N, Haider Ali MS, Riethoven JJ, Sun X and Reddy J. Antigen-presenting cells from naive mice constitutively present the T cell epitope of SERCA2a and induce inflammatory cytokine production in antigen-specific T cells. 103rd Annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 9-13, 2019, San Diego, CA.
- Lasrado N, Arumugam R, Jia T, Krishnan B, Xiang S and Reddy J. Evidence for cross-reactive self-antigen in the mediation of post-infectious myocarditis induced by Coxsackie virus B3 infection. FLYSWAT annual meeting, March 17-18, 2020, Nebraska City, NE.
- Lasrado N, Arumugam R, Jayaraja S, Thibivilliers S, Libault M, Starr T and Reddy J. Single cell RNA sequence analysis reveals novel clusters unique to post-infectious myocarditis in the mouse model of Coxsackievirus infection. 104th Annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 8-12, 2020, Honolulu, HI.
- Massilamany C, Arumugam R, Lasrado N, Gangaplara A, Jayaraja S, Steffen D, Gurumurthy C, and Reddy J. A unique model of cardiac myosin-specific TCR transgenic mice for dilated cardiomyopathy. 104th Annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 8-12, 2020, Honolulu, HI.
- Won T, Kalinoski H, Wood M, Hughes D, Talor M, Lasrado N, Reddy J and Cihakova D. Autoimmunity against cardiac antigen drives immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis development. Meeting the Challenges of Myocarditis Workshop, May 3-6, 2021, NHLBI.
- Lasrado N, Borcherding N, Arumugam R, Starr T, and Reddy J. Dissecting the complexity of heart infiltrates in post-infectious myocarditis induced with CVB3 infection by single-cell RNA sequencing analysis. 104th Virtual Annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 10-15, 2021.
- Rasquinha M, Lasrado N, Larman B, and Reddy J. PhIP-Seq analysis reveals autoantibodies 4 for novel antigens in the mouse model of Coxsackievirus B3 infection. 104th Virtual Annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 10-15, 2021.
- Reddy J, Arumugam R, Lasrado N, Renu S and Gourapura R. Antigen-specific T cell tolerance in the prevention of post-infectious myocarditis induced with Coxsackievirus B3. 104th Virtual Annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 10-15, 2021.
- Lasrado N, Borcherding N, Arumugam R, Starr T, and Reddy J. Dissecting the Cellular Landscape and Transcriptome Network in Viral Myocarditis by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing. CRWAD annual meeting, Chicago, IL, December 3-7, 2021.
- Rasquinha M, Lasrado N, Larman B, and Reddy J. Determination of autoantibody repertoires by PhIP-Seq analysis in the mouse model of Coxsackievirus B3 infection. CRWAD annual meeting, Chicago, IL, December 3-7, 2021.
- Sur M, Doiphode A, Lasrado N, Arumugam R, and Reddy J. Generation of SERCA2aspecific TCR transgenic mice. CRWAD annual meeting, Chicago, IL, December 3-7, 2021.
- Lasrado N, Rasquinha M, Sur M, Gangaplara A, Massilamany C, Arumugam M, Steffen D, and Reddy J. A live-attenuated mutant CVB3 vaccine virus protects against multiple coxsackievirus B infections. 105th Annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 5-10, 2022, Portland, OR.
- NIH R21AI166773
Trained Immunity in the Prevention of Viral Myocarditis and Pancreatitis
- AHA 18TPA34170206 American Heart Association, Transformation Project Award
Prevention of Viral Cardiomyopathy and Insulitis by Vaccination
- NIH R21AI142281
TCR Transgenic Models for Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- ORED: 21-5721-0004 Biomedical Seed Grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Prevention of Viral Cardiomyopathy and Insulitis by Vaccination
- NIH 1R01HL114669-01A1
Autoimmunity in the Mediation of Infectious Myocarditis
- NIH: 2P20RR017675-06
COBRE Program of the National Center for Research Resources
Role of reactive oxygen species in the genetic resistance to autoimmunity
- UNL Research Council Award
Interdisciplinary Grant
NMR Metabolomics Based Analysis of Urine to Diagnose Multiple Sclerosis
- UNL Layman Fund
Self-reactive CD8 T Cells in the Mediation of Autoimmune Heart Disease
- American Heart Association 09SDG2010237
Delineating Autoimmunity In Postinfectious Myocarditis
- Nebraska Research Initiative
Creation of Coxsackievirus Mutants Based on Immunodominant Epitopes for use as Safer Vaccine Candidates and Vectors
Awards and Honors
- Gold Medal for M.V.Sc., Bangalore, India, 1990
- Graduate Scholarship, University of Guelph, Canada, 1994
- Betty Goldhart Fellowship, University of Guelph, Canada, 1995
- Milton Travel Scholarship, University of Guelph, Canada, 1996
- Pfizer Research Excellence Award, University of Guelph, Canada, 1997
- Pathobiology Graduate Student Excellence, University of Guelph, Canada, 1998
- Superior Academic Advising Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 2010
- Who's Who in America, 2014
- AAI Travel Awards (Techniques Award; and Laboratory), 2019-2022
- Board Member, Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine Honor Board, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 2020-
Professional Society Memberships
- American Association of Immunologists
- American Heart Association