Mary Drozd

Assistant Professor and Veterinary Diagnostic Pathologist Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln



  • Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists, 2021
  • Anatomic Pathology Resident, 2020
  • D.V.M., Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, 2017
  • Ph.D. in Preventive Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University, 2012
  • B.A. in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology and Classical Studies, Hamilton College, 2001



  • Covid-19 in Exotic Felids: Exotic felids are susceptible to severe viral respiratory infections caused by Covid-19, have pathological lesions distinct from domestic felids, and mustelids. In collaboration with Dr. Terio (University of Illinois, Zoopath program), Dr. McAloose (Bronx Zoo), and Dr. Ritter (CDC), we are investigating lesions and possible genomic differences in Covid-19 variants sequenced from feline patients.
  • Poultry Research Consultant: Protozoal experimental infections and flock outbreak diagnosis in collaboration with Dr. Durairaj (Huepharma): Multiple projects in chickens, turkeys, and pheasants including natural (outbreaks) and experimental infections of protozoal enteritis. As a collaborator, I evaluate histology sections (blinded), develop histological scoring systems, coordinate ancillary testing, provide scientific expertise, and help prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.



  • ACVP Phase II exam study group: Weekly review of classic cases, interesting biopsies, and informal quiz questions in the new exam format. The study group will target anatomic pathology residents in small residency programs and specialty programs. Co-chair, Dr. Sillman.
  • Independent study (VBMS-496): Adrienne Nielsen independent study with Dr. Cortinas as co-advisor Winter 2022: 5 course hour independent study in anatomic pathology including learning how to write necropsy reports, describe and identify lesions, and research possible differential causative agents and proposed pathogenesis.
  • Faculty mentor for Pre-vet pathology club: Meets monthly for a 2-hour clinical lab and topical lecture. Previous labs have included heart anatomy lecture with heart dissection and blood smear slide making and staining with introduction to blood smear cytology lecture.


  • DMP785 Diagnostic Medicine Clinical Rotation: Supervision of 4th year veterinary students on necropsy service, rotation orientation lecture, mystery case lecture, and histology slide review lecture. Average 20–30 contact hours/3 week rotation.
  • DMP785 Diagnostic Medicine Clinical Rotation: Supervision of 4th year veterinary students on necropsy service, rotation orientation lecture, mystery case lecture, and histology slide review lecture. Average 20–30 contact hours/3 week rotation


  • Assistant Professor
    University of Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
    July 2020 to present
    * Necropsy
    * Participate in weekly poultry rounds through NCState, JPC slide rounds, and CL Davis seminars
    * Expert case witness
  • Anatomic Pathology Resident
    August 2017 to June 2020
    Kansas State University
    *Biopsy: Increasing reads of 10–30 cases per week with primary case responsibility and pathologist case review
    *Necropsy diagnostic service: Primary case responsibilities with pathologist case review, approximately 300 cases/year
    *Participated in journal club, oncology, biopsy, AFIP, ocular and clinical pathology rounds
  • Senior Pathology Externship
    October 3rd to October 7th 2016
    University of Tennessee School of Veterinary Medicine
    *Performed necropsies and wrote gross case reports
    *Wrote biopsy reports, and reviewed cases during morning rounds
    *Participated in journal club, and histopathology rounds
  • Senior Pathology Externship
    June 27 to July 1st 2016
    University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
    *Performed necropsies and wrote case reports on hospital cases
    *Introduced to ocular tissue trimming and ocular pathology at COPLOW
    *Participated in histopathology and gross pathology rounds
  • Senior Veterinary Pathology Externship
    March to April 2016
    SeaWorld, San Diego California
    *Performed necropsies, medical photography; trimmed formalin and excell fixed tissues; collected cultures and tissues for toxicology, and the sea lion Campylobacter survey project
    *Wrote gross reports for necropsy cases, and prepared a case report for presentation
    *Participated in biweekly fish disease rounds
  • Graduate Pathology Internship
    June to August 2015
    Genzyme, a Sanofi Company, Framingham MA
    *Extracted mRNA, amplified cDNA and performed qPCR to quantify mouse gene expression
    *Analyzed gene expression changes associated with aortic damage associated with mucopolysaccharidosis Type I
    *Participated in biweekly pathology rounds
    *Presented research findings in a department-wide poster presentation
  • Wildlife Pathology Selective
    January to August 2014
    Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
    *Project SNOWstorm: necropsied Snowy owls, collected tissues, gross photography, and radiography during the 2013–2014 irruption
    *New England Cottontail conservation project: Performed rabbit necropsies and collected tissues as part of a pathogen/parasite survey
    *Common Loon population health survey: Performed necropsies and post-mortem radiographs; measured blood lead levels as part of a species health/cause of death survey
    *Necropsied and took post-mortem radiographs on terminal Wildlife Clinic patients


  • Durairaj V. Drozd, M., Lin, G., De Keseyer, K., and Vander veen, R. “Pathological Investigation of a Histomoniasis Outbreak in Turkeys”. EC Veterinary Science 7.1 (2022): 78-82.
  • Browning GR, Carpenter JW, Tucker-Mohl K, Drozd M, and Cino-Ozuna AG. Pathology in practice: Pneumothorax in a rabbit. JAVMA. April 15, 2020, Vol. 256, No. 8, Pages 873-877.
  • Kumar, A., Drozd, M., Pina-Mimbela et al. (2016). Novel anti-Campylobacter compounds identified using high throughput screening of a pre-selected enriched small molecules library. Frontiers in microbiology, 7, 405.
  • Drozd, M., Chandrashekhar, K., & Rajashekara, G. (2014). Polyphosphate-mediated modulation of Campylobacter jejuni biofilm growth and stability. Virulence5(6), 680-690.
  • Drozd, M., Merrick, N. N., Sanad, Y. M., Dick, L. K., Dick, W. A., & Rajashekara, G. (2013). Evaluating the occurrence of host-specific Bacteroidales, general fecal indicators, and bacterial pathogens in a mixed-use watershed. Journal of environmental quality42(3), 713-725.
  • Drozd, M. (2012). Campylobacter jejuni Survival Strategies and Counter-Attack: An investigation of Campylobacter phosphate mediated biofilms and the design of a high-throughput small-molecule screen for TAT inhibition (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).


Oral Presentations (presenter)

  • ACVP Neuropathology Pathology Mystery Slide Session 2019: “NPMS Case 4: The Red Fox Kit Mystery”
  • 62nd Annual AAVLD Diagnostic Pathology Slide Seminar 2019: “Nidoviral Pneumonia in a Ball Python (Python regius)”
  • 61st Annual AAVLD Diagnostic Pathology Slide Seminar 2018: “Ocular Cytauxzoonosis in a Domestic Cat”
  • CL Davis Marine Species Histopathology Workshop 2016 at IAAAM: “Brain from a Harbor Porpoise”

Presentations and Posters (contributing but not presenting)

  • American Association of Avian Pathologist (AAAP) Annual Meeting, 2022; Case report: Clinical investigation of a turkey barn with a recurrent history of histomoniasis Vijay Durairaj
  • Jill Nezworski, Mary Drozd, Steven Clark, Ryan Vander Veen
  • 11th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICEID), 2022; SARS-CoV-2 at the Zoo: a One Health Approach to Characterize the Clinical, Epidemiologic, and Genomic Presentation of SARS-CoV-2 in Zoo, Sanctuary and Aquaria Outbreaks, RR Ghai, KE Varela, J Ritter1, K Terio, T Shrader, M Drozd, L Wright, J Yoshicedo, AY Liew, A Carpenter, TA Moore, S Rekant, MK Torchetti, C Barton Behravesh
  • International Poultry Scientific Forum, 2022: Pathogenesis of Histomonas meleagridis in broilers. Vijay Durairaj, Ryan Vander Veen, Mary Drozd.
  • International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE), 2022 and International Poultry Scientific Forum, 2022; Histomoniasis Associated Bursal Pathology in Turkeys Vijay Durairaj, Mary Drozd, Deborrah Highuchi, Ryan Vander Veen
  • American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP), 2022: Clinical Case Presentation Case report: Clinical investigation of a turkey barn with a recurrent history of histomoniasis Vijay Durairaj, Jill Nezworski, Mary Drozd, Steven Clark, Ryan Vander Veen


  • Diagnostic and exotics pathology
  • veterinary epidemiology


  • American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP)
  • American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) 
  • Phi Zeta Honor Society
  • Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association