Avatar for You (Joe) Zhou

You (Joe) Zhou

Rsch Professor School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68588-0665
402-472-5935 On-campus 2-5935


  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Cell Biology/Microscopy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Ph.D. in Animal Cell Biology, Department of Zoology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
  • B.S. in Animal Histology/Cell Biology, Nanchang University (former Jiangxi University), Nanchang, Jiangxi, R.R. China

Professional Responsibilities and Activities

  • Director, Microscopy Research Core Facility
    Center for Biotechnology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE
  • Courtesy Faculty, School of Biological Sciences
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE
  • Research Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE
  • Research Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE
  • Research Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences
    Department of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE
  • Director, Antibody Core Research Facility
    Center for Biotechnology
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE
  • Instructor-Research Faculty, Department of Neurosciences
    Pennington Biomedical Research Center
    Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA


For up-to-date listings of publications, visit the following:


Use of imaging tools for studies on cell biology, bacteriology, neurosciences, parasitology, pathology, virology

Research and services focuses

  • Cell biology/histology/neurobiology/virology
  • Advanced fluorescence/confocal/electron microscopy and image analysis
  • Immunolabeling fluorescence or electron microscopy
  • Negative staining (viruses, bacteria, exosomes, nanoparticles, and nanofibers) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for education and research
  • Ultrastructural TEM and topographic scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses of tissues, cells, nanoscale particles/fibers.

Participated courses (lecture and lab)

  1. Life 491/891 “Introduction to Core Facilities of Center for Biotechnology” -spring semesters
  2. VBMS-996/998 for a) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for veterinary histology/pathology (internship), b) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for entomology, forensic science, earth/geoscience, and biological samples
  3. Laboratory courses for negative staining TEM for analysis of bacteriophages/viral particles for undergraduate student from a) Doane University (Bio 110 Inquiry Laboratory: Introduction to Biological Investigation), b) Nebraska Wesleyan University (BIO 190, Gen. Biol.: Inquiry), and c) UNL (Bios 136, Discovery Research: Virus Hunting)—spring and fall semesters.

Professional Interests

  • Advanced fluorescence/confocal/electron microscopy and live-cell imaging analysis at micro/nano scales.
  • Human and animal cell biology/histology/neurobiology.
  • Immunolabeling fluorescence or electron microscopy.
  • Negative staining (viruses, bacteria, exosomes, nanoparticles, and nanofibers) TEM.
  • Ultrastructural TEM and topographic SEM analyses of tissues, cells, nanoscale particles/fibers.

Professional Society Memberships

  • University of Nebraska Graduate Faculty
  • Nebraska Center for Virology (NCV)
  • Nebraska Center for Redox Biology (RBC)
  • Nebraska Center for Integrative Biomolecular Communication (CIBC)
  • UNMC MSIA Graduate Program
  • University Nebraska NSRI Fellow